Twenty-seven (27) pieces coin silver flatware with marks for Frederick Yeiser, John Best, Robert Best, August Conery, and D.P. Armer of Lexington, Frankfort, and Richmond, Kentucky, and of Cincinnati and Hamilton, Ohio. 1st-4th items: Four (4) pieces attributed to Frederick Yeiser, working Lexington, KY c. 1859-1877, including 1 gravy ladle and 1 King's pattern tablespoon marked F. YEISER (incuse) plus 2 fiddle pattern teaspoons marked F. YEISER & CO. in rectangles. 5th-11th items: Seven (7) pieces attributed to John or Robert Best, including 1 tablespoon and 1 teaspoon marked J. BEST & CO. (incuse) for John Best, working Lexington prior to 1860-c. 1867; plus 2 teaspoons and 1 dessert spoon marked BEST & CO in rectangles (also attr. John Best); and 2 teaspoons marked R BEST in rectangles for Robert Best, working Hamilton, Ohio c. 1811, Cincinnati 1812-1824, and Lexington, KY 1825-1830. 12th-17th items: Six (6) pieces marked for August Conery, working Franfort, KY c. 1838-1859, including 5 tablespoons and 1 teaspoon marked A. CONERY (incuse). 18th-27th items: Ten (10) pieces marked for David P. Armer, working 1865-1910, including 6 tablespoons and 4 teaspoons marked D.P. ARMER RICHMOND KY in rectangles. Ranging in size from 5 1/4" to 8 3/4" L. Combined weight all items: 29.65 troy ounces.
The Estate of Cora Jane Spiller, Bowling Green, Kentucky.
1 R. Best teaspoon has likely been cut down at the handle. Wear to tip of bowl in J. Best & Co. tablespoon. Other items overall very good condition with some scattered small dents and wear to tips of bowls. Most monogrammed.
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